Hello everyone. Here we go again, with another Birthday Project organized by Eden. Here are the details:
Hello guys and Welcome to the SECOND Cate Blanchett Birthday Project!
Last year we made a very beautiful video for Cate (watch here) and she recived it with a lot of love and thanks.This year we are going to make a digital book.
How is this gonna work?
Every person who wants can write on our digital book. You can choose the form:
Handwriting (you should be able to scan it with a scanner only on a white paper)
What should you write on the book?Write: Name, age, country
Title: Happy Birthday in your naitve language
Body: You get 140-200 words (NOT MORE) where you can write about ONE of the following options:
– How did you discover Cate
– What effect Cate has on you
– What do you love about Cate the most
– If you met her you can tell about that experience
End: Put a full name of a song (including the performance you mean to) that you dedicate to Cate
Things you can add: a picture with Cate, a picture of Cate you took, a picture of an autograph you have, a picture of things you have in your room related to Cate
Deadline: All texts should arrive until MARCH 1ST, 2016. Send them all to the following adress: CBFbirthday2015@gmail.com (the same one from the last year lol) If you have any questions you can ask me here on the ask box / twitter / email .Taking part in the project this year + special thanks: Mari, Nelly and Eva. Cate Blanchett Daily, Queen Cate, Cate Blanchett Fan, Carol Forum.
Please reblog this post so more people will be aware to out project
Who can participate the project? – Everyone who wants to.
If I don’t want to do al things, can I just wish her happy birthday? – Sure, but we hope a lot of people will take part in everything.
Can I take a pic of myself with a “Happy birthday” poster? – Yes.
Can you guarantee Cate will receive the book? – sadly not, but we will try our best to make this work.