Hello dear Blanchetters!
New pics from the last event attended by Cate. On January 9th, during the annual Winter TCA Tour, Cate and the cast of Mrs. America promoted the upcoming series debutting on Hulu on April 15th. Enjoy!

Blanchett was later asked whether or she “liked” Phyllis or not, and responded firmly.
“Whether I like or dislike a character, whether it’s Phyllis or Elisabeth I is utterly irrelevant, it’s not my place,” she said.
My place is to present a character warts and all.”Poetically, as the panel was going on, the Equal Rights Amendment was going to a floor vote in Virginia, the 38th state needed to finally ratify the amendment.
“It was like ‘Groundhog Day,’” Blanchett said about the conversations they saw coming up in the media through the years. These included everything from same-sex bathrooms to women being drafted, which is in the news again right now because of the situation in Iran.
“I’m a passionate lover of history. I don’t think you can in any way understand the present unless you look into the past,” Blanchett said. During the process of developing “Mrs. America,” they looked at historical moments such as “Roe V. Wade” to consider how much was relevant to the story they were telling and what needed full episodes devoted to them.
via Variety
“You just had the civil rights and paid equity act, so here was another huge change to the Constitution,” said Blanchett today about the series, “It was suddenly a bridge too far for a lot of people about how much change we’re going to tolerate because what’ interesting about the time was that we see a lot of special interest groups use this to push through their platforms about isolation, integration and pro-life.”
“The irony is that everything that Phyllis and the ‘antis’ worried about has come to pass without the equal rights amendment being put in the Constitution,” said the two-time Oscar winner.
via Deadline