The Cate Blanchett Birthday Project 2020

Hello everyone!!

Are you ready for one more year of celebration?

The Cate Blanchett Birthday Project 2020 is here!

This is an idea created by Eden, a fan from our community. Since 2015, she proposes a set of tasks to express our admiration and say happy birthday to Cate.

In this 6th edition of the project, Eden decided to reunite fans again to celebrate Cate Blanchett’s birthday.

As usual, Cate Blanchett Fan website takes part in supporting this idea.

If you want to join, please read the details below:

This year the project will all be around self-motivation, feminism & success.

Cate Blanchett is a huge inspiration for us all: she teaches us to be brave, to love ourselves, to DO things, to do things with no regrets, to work hard and not to think about what other people say. These are only some minor examples of the things Cate loves sharing with the world.

This year we will make a MOTIVATION BOOK in which we will write:

  • Something Cate motivated you to do and how does the process go
  • Some aspects that changed or influenced the way you think thanks to Cate Blanchett (related to feminism)
  • A special thing you did or contributed to thanks to the motivation Cate Blanchett gave you
  • A story of success that happened to you thanks to the motivation Cate brought into your life

Important points:  

  • You can choose one aspect only
  • The story will be written UP TO 300 WORDS
  • You can (definitely) wish Cate a happy birthday but if you won’t follow the theme of the project you won’t be included!!
  • You can add a small video / photo related
  • The project will be released ONLINE

How does it work?

  • Send an email with your Name, Age & Country
  • Mention in the email if you joined any of the past projects and if yes mention the year
  • Write the aspect you wish to write about
  • Share your project part


  • Keep an appropriate language
  • Protect copywrites
  • The project will be released ONLINE


All projects should arrive until APRIL 10TH, 2020. Send them all to the following address: (the same one from past years).

If you have any questions you can reach Eden by email or her twitter @catelandishere.

Taking part in the project this year + special thanks: Cate Blanchett Daily, Queen Cate, Cate Blanchett Fan, Nelly, Dani, Mari.


  • Who can participate the project? – Everyone who wants to.
  • Can I send a picture of myself with a happy birthday poster? You can include that, but it can’t be instead of the project itself.
  • Can you guarantee Cate will receive the book? – sadly not, but we will try our best to make this work.