Parklands 1996

Cate Blanchett as: Rosie

Directed by: Kathryn Millard
Selected Cast: Tony Martin, Carmel Johnson & Tony Mack
Written by: Kathryn Millard
Release Year: 1996
Genre: Action / Crime
MPAA Rating: N/A


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Rosie returns to her home city on the death of her father, a former policeman. His diaries hint at corruption, and she also receives hints and veiled threats which support her suspicions. Rosie puzzles about who he was, and about her early life and relationship to him.

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Quotes from Cate Blanchett

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Quotes from Others

  • Kathryn Millard:
    “Obviously Cate Blanchett is an extraordinarily accomplished actor. I cast her in Parklands very early in her career, [and] it was fantastic to work with her. I cast her on the basis of her work in theatre – she had graduated from NIDA and already made a significant impact in theatre.”
    “I really like Cate’s [Blanchett] work in theatre. The kind of detail that her work had was great, and I thought that she would be really good for the role. We talked about character and story because it’s quite a mosaic of a film and I wanted everybody to understand where their role fitted into the structure. I wasn’t willing to change the script because I felt it was quite delicate and precise and it wasn’t up for grabs. Cate worked well within that.”
  • Carmel Johnson:
    —“It was lovely working with Cate. She had just finished doing the television series with Ernie Dingo [Heartland], and she was just lovely and fresh and in for the work.”
  • Margaret Pomeranz (Film critic):
    — “Millard’s film is an elusive, tantalizing story about a young woman, Rosie played by [Cate] Blanchett who returns home city of Adelaide for the funeral of Cliff, her father. She stays with Jean, the woman in her father’s life after he left her mother… One of the first things that strike you about Parklands is how good it looks. I couldn’t wait to get to the end credits and find out who the cinematographer was, I should have known. Mandy Walker has done it again. The film is just beautiful… Parklands is tantalizing more than it is satisfying but it’s brimful of Australian talent and certainly worth seeing.”

Trivia & Facts

  • Filmed in Australia.
  • Won three awards, view here.
  • Andrew Upton, Cate Blanchett’s future husband at the time worked on the continuity department of the film.