Hello Blanchetters! The sixth episode of Mrs. America is just few hours away. Enjoy the preview below. [embed]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2gUanv-Sg0Y[/embed] We have added to the gallery two pictures from the set added on social media few weeks ago - Sources 1,...
Hello Blanchetters! The cast of Mrs. America graces the cover of newest issue of Emmy Magazine. The photoshoot, by Robert Ashcroft, dates back to the Winter TCA Tour, as it does the video interview from the set. [embed]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=llgzNCrKiYU[/embed] From...
Hello Blanchetters! On April 29th, 2020 Cate Blanchett took part at the Yale Photo Pop Up Lecture Serie, a serie of live interviews via Zoom. Here is the interview. Over 1000 persons watched it live. The screencaptures are not...
Hello Blanchetters! We had experience a server issue these last two days and we were unable to post. A lot of catching up to do! The fifth episode of Mrs. America is moments away, and the buzz never stops....
Hello Blanchetters! Pandemic is forcing us all to stay home, but there are those that are not so lucky to have one. Cate Blanchett teams up with The Immigrant director James Gray to talk about great movies, in new...
Hello Blanchetters! Spoiler alert! Mrs. America's fourth episode is now available on streaming platforms or about to be aired on TV. We have added to the gallery the screencaptures of the videos posted last week. Click on the links...
Hello Blanchetters! Mrs. America is back in 3 days! Keep yourself update with the lastest news. Enjoy! Live with Kelly and Ryan - April 16, 2020 [embed]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xTxNtPJ05iE[/embed] [embed]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NqeYux2cUS8[/embed] [embed]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JcdFeGgCc_c[/embed] CBS Sunday Morning - April 19, 2020 [embed]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Epgq0t9vcKU[/embed] [embed]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gwhdpGCUo6E[/embed] La...
Hello Blanchetters! Cate Blanchett, Goodwill Ambassador for the UNHCR, teams up with the Internet Movie Database to share her Films of Hope, to focus the attention on the hard situation that Refugees are facing during the pandemic. [embed]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pQ9aqLbdLQg[/embed] You...
Hello Blanchetters! Cate Blanchett keeps promoting Mrs. America from her library. She appeared on Good Morning America yesterday morning. She also intervened in two podcasts. Enjoy! [embed]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7CWHTW5AbWc[/embed] Happy Sad Confused Podcast here Still Watching Podcast here New still from...
Hello Blanchetters! The wait is over: the first three episodes of Mrs. Amrica are now available on streaming. We are going to add the screencaptures from the show when all episoded have been aired. Meanwhile, Cate Blanchett is promoting...
Hello Blanchetters! Two days till Mrs. America! Enjoy all the goodies! [embed]https://www.instagram.com/p/B-7dD2IAbJt/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link[/embed] [embed]https://www.instagram.com/p/B-7d4tiJDig/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link[/embed] Talk Shows Appearences The Late Show With Stephen Colbert Tue, April 14: Stephen Colbert from home; CBS News’ chief medical correspondent, Dr. Jonathan LaPook; Cate Blanchett...
Hello Blanchetters! Five days to Mrs. America! FX Networks released the first featurette from the tv series (watch it below) while new interviews and reviews keeps popping out in the net, we can barely keep up. Site admins wish...
Hello Blanchetters! Less than a week to go to Mrs America! Today new trailer and new preview. Plus, Cate Blanchett will be on the talk show "Live with Kelly and Ryan!" on April 16 - Source [embed]https://www.facebook.com/MrsAmFXonHulu/videos/935249036919449/[/embed] [embed]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6ju3Dhx6aSs[/embed] Vanity...
Hello Blanchetters! We have added four new magazines to the gallery. The last two are pretty recent, do give them a read. Io Donna Italy - December 21st, 2019 Harper's Bazaar Taiwan - February 2020 S Moda - El...
Hello Blanchetters! The critics's embargo has been lifted and great reviews are pouring into the net for Cate Blanchett's newest tv show: Mrs. America. Fx Networks keeps up on the edge releasing new contents everyday: how long till April...
Hello Blanchetters! FX Networks is regaling us with daily gifts paving the way to Mrs. America's successful debut. Here we are with two new stills (Source) and the character's bio. On the same site you can find each episodes's...
Hello everyone!! Are you ready for one more year of celebration? The Cate Blanchett Birthday Project 2020 is here! This is an idea created by Eden, a fan from our community. Since 2015, she proposes a set of tasks...
Hello Blanchetters! FX Network released a new still, the brief preview for the first episode and a new teaser trailer. Enjoy! The original videos can be watched here [embed]https://twitter.com/MrsAm_FXonHulu/status/1242136453255028736[/embed] [embed]https://twitter.com/MrsAm_FXonHulu/status/1241050621152833539[/embed] Source
Hello Blanchetters!! First thing first, we would like to express our virtual closeness to everybody in this difficult time. Our admins, living in Europe and South America are home and safe, we invite you all to stay home, take...
Hello Blanchetters! Mrs. America gets released in one month on Hulu, FX Network's chosen streaming platform. The tv series will be made of 9 episodes; IMDb revealed the tile of the first three episodes debutting on April 15, 2020:...